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Reiki Happenings for 2025

We have finally locked down the Reiki happenings for the upcoming Year of the Snake! It was a slow start, but that's okay. Better slow and sure, than fast and unsure. 

As of now we will be testing out a new way to offer Reiki training. We are still offering the online option always. so you can get online, purchase and start anytime of the year. This includes your MASTER level training. However, instead of taking up your entire Saturday or weekend for the Hybrid option (online + in-person immersive), we are breaking down the immersive option into 3 weekly 1.5 hour sessions for our Level 1&2.

Starting Tuesday 2/4 7 pm, we will start Level 1, ending on 2/18. Then we will start Level 2 March 4, 2025. For 3 or 4 weeks. Level 2 will include some review for anyone that hasn't done their level 1 in a while. 

This will be the first round of training for the year. We will only offer this style 1 more time in 2025. This is because... drum roll... I am finally going to offer a MASTER level training! Yahoo!

Master training will be Summer or Fall 2025. That is TBD. Those of you that are eligible for Master Level please respond with your preferred time. You are eligible for Master level if:

  1. it has been 6 months since your Level 2

  2. you have your Level 2 certificate. (You get your Level 2 certificate by drawing the symbols, writing out the names correctly, and showing me your practice session list completion.)

Remember, your level 2 requirements can be done at any time and there is no rush. Some people get them done the day of the class. With others, it takes them years to finally come back and draw the symbols. So please know with all these trainings, there is no pressure and no rush. This isn't college, board exams, etc. These placements, these immersive experiences are relaxing, magical, stress relieving, energy boosting, fun! They are not designed to cause stress in any way. In fact, Level 1 has 0 testing. None. Zilch. Nada. 

This also means that these placements are a great way to deal with any upcoming life stressors. The energy clearing and boosting you get from an attunement is great for any upcoming deadlines you may have, It will help you study, sleep, etc.

Also, if you have already had your Level 1 or 2, but are not ready for the master training yet, you're always welcome to attend the Level 1 & 2 again and just receive the "booster" placement. Just come for the attunement and get a re-up. Boosters are normally $100. But for next weeks Level 1 booster I am offering it for free with purchase of your Level 2 booster. So come for the booster in February and March and only pay for 1. It's my little present to you for the month of love.

Btw, If you sign up for any Level 2 or above course, I will give you the Level 1 booster PLACEMENT for free. As of now I offer 4 courses: Level 1, Level 2, Level 1 & 2 Booster (full course, not just the attunement), and Master Level. If you sign up for Master I will give you Level 1 & 2 booster placements for free. If you sign up for Level 2 placement or Level 1&2 Booster full course,  I will give you Level 1 Re-up Placement for free.

At some point this year I will be sending out more information about the full booster course. And if you're interested I could work in an immersive for those as well. I am trying to keep my schedule open to have time for that and Master this year. That is why I am only offering the Level 1 and 2 trainings 2x, this year, in hybrid online + weekly format.

Please reach out if you're interested in any of the following and have questions regarding which one would be best for you. If you already know you're ready for the Level 1&2 or the Master, you can click the link below for the Level 1&2. You can respond to this email to get more information on the master training.

One more thing... If you do not wish to proceed with any more training, but want to regularly meet up for trades, I am wanting to bring back Reiki Share. I am hoping to offer reiki share quarterly. This will be posted under the Events section. Stay tuned for that.

Lastly, I am also starting a weekly Group Coaching & Reiki series. The group series includes sound, meditation, grounding, protecting, clearing, receiving a group reiki healing, and then group discussion around the theme/topic of the week. We will do these for 3 weeks each month, 1x a week, and each month will have a different theme. That way there is always a week off and time to integrate in between every week. Not only does this give us regular reiki healings, it allows us to come together in community. It helps us feel like we are not alone and gives us a sense of belonging. It also gives us some self practice if you're unable to make it to reiki share, or if you're struggling to practice at home.

That is all of the 2025 reiki happenings. (As if it is not enough!)  In summary there are:

1. quarterly reiki share commencing

2. Two offerings for L1&2 (hybrid online + 3 week offerings)

3. Master Training offering

4. Group Reiki Healing & Coaching

5. And maybe even a retreat in there somewhere. :)

Oh and Justine is offering Shakti Reiki this summer as well!

The link below will take you to the Level 1 & 2 Classes & Trainings page on our website.

The links for reiki share will be on our Events page. Any retreats will be on the Retreats page... stay tuned for those as well! And the Group Reiki will be under our services and classes. 

Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions. And remember the Year of the Snake is your year!

With gratitude,

Stephanie May & CIW 

P.S. When you sign up for Level 1 & 2 together, you save $103!

You can join any immersive you want. You can start your online course at your convenience. You don't have to start right away. Committing to both simply opens up access to both courses, saves you money AND allows you to start receiving the healing from the upgrades.

Any sales we run are IN ADDITION TO the $103 discount. :)

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