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Transform Your Trauma: 3 part series

Tue, Jan 30



Join us for our inaugural Trauma Workshop series!

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Transform Your Trauma: 3 part series
Transform Your Trauma: 3 part series

Time & Location

Jan 30, 2024, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM


About the event

Trauma can prevent us from being able to thrive in our lives. And sometimes our trauma isn’t so obvious. Sometimes it is very subtle and therefore continues to cause ugly patterns in our lives without us realizing it. Whether it is obvious trauma or not, always know this: Trauma isn’t your fault. It also isn’t something you need to live with for the rest of your life.

Learn how to navigate your past trauma and make peace with it in this 3-part workshop series. Together we’ll release the past, tune into your body, re-establish communication between your mind and body, as well as learn techniques to help us move forward into our future. You’ll learn how to use trauma healing tools like meditation, journaling, reiki, body scanning, positive psychology coaching and somatic work to let go of what happened — and start to enjoy the present moment again.

The Details:

When: Last Teusdays of each month: 1/30, 2/27 and 3/26

12-1 pm (online)

Workshop 1: Release the Past

Workshop 2: Release and Rebalance Your Body

Workshop 3: Re-Integrate back into Safe Relationships With Yourself and Others i


The Center for Integrative Wellness

15 W Manor Drive, Pacifica, CA 94404

Price: $33 minimum donation per workshop,

package for all 3 $79

Hybrid series of in person/live stream workshop + lifetime access to 3 supplemental online courses. Online courses included: 10 day Learn to Meditate Course, Journal Prompts for Healing and Look & Feel Your Best.

The workshop itself will be solely online, but we will be offering special in person bonuses for attending. These bonuses will be relevan to the theme of that workshop and will include free or discounted attendance to events to further aid your journey. Or they could also include discounts for services.

This 3 part series will be part of our 12 week Immersive Tranform Your Trauma program. The program will consists of 3 of each categroy, 1x a month: 3 workshop classes, 3 somatic sessions, 3 energy healing sessions, 3 on-demand online courses, 4 on-demand meditations, access to our Crystal Himalayan Salt room, 3 Coaching Sessions.

W e are only offering our packages and memberships on our website. This ticket is single class pricing only. For the $79 price (and $20 discount) please visit under "classes" or "Shop -> Plans & Pricing".

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  • Single Class -$33

    +$0.83 service fee
    Sale ended



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