Kava & Clearing: Kava tea + cord cutting
Tue, Jun 27

Time & Location
Jun 27, 2023, 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM
Pacifica, 15 W Manor Dr, Pacifica, CA 94044, USA
About the event
Join us for our New Plant Medicine Series (Formerly Plant Medicine Jams)
Come join us beachside in Pacifica, where we will call on the power of Mother Earth both energetically and physically via some of it's more powerful healers. We will be combining some of our favorite activities of sound healing, making new friends, enjoying the powerful, yet relaxing, healing properties of the earth, and grounding and clearing out any unwanted energies, traumas or stress via a group guided meditation.
The guided meditation will specifically be to cut, clear, seal and transmute any unwanted, unhealthy, negative attachments that are no longer serving us.
In recognizing that some of our relationships may have carried over form other journies in the past, present or future, we may then begin to to process that, that attachment does not necessarily serve us in this walk. However, compassion is key, that is why we honor the lessons we have learned, while forgiving those relationships, cutting and sealing off those cords, and then release and transmute (blessing) those energies back into pure love and light.
Cord cutting can be heavy work. Using the elements of the earth and calling on its ancient wisdom and healing allows us to stay grounded, yet energized and aware enough to do the work. It is important to be hydrate before and after any energy work, especially clearing and cutting.
Kava itself is powder ground from a plant Native to the South PAcific. Similarly to pure Cacao, Kava is euphoric,grounding, energizing, yet calming. It is great for anxiety and known for helping reduce stress, which makes it an ideal plant medicine for the anxiety that may come up during a cutting and clearing ceremony.
Despite knowing some of our relationships are unhealthy or no longer serve us, it is very common to experience anxiety when cutting ties with energies we have been so intimately attached to. Although it isa healthy loss, it is still a loss. There can be a grieving process that sometimes follows that loss and rightfully so. Yet another reason we honor the relationship without judgement for what it taught us and allow it to be set free with forgiveness and compassion.
Join us monthly on Tuesdays at 7 pm in Pacifica for our 1st ever combo Plant Medicine + Sound Healing Series: Kava & Clearing. We will hold sacred space at the end for those who want to hang out and share in the circle more in depth. Our Sacred Spaces series will be announced shortly. In short it is a social event + open circle support group + workshop for those working through and honoring their spiritual journey. It is a chance to meet other like minded individuals, discuss challenges, celebrate growth, share tools and resources, sip some tea and join the community!
Dates are
#kavateaceremony #kavakavakava #plantmedicineseries #sacredspacesseries #soundhealing #soundbath #crystalsingingbowls #tuningforks #chimesandbells #pacificaca #localeventspacifica #localevents94044 #beachsidesoundhealing #soundfrequencyvibration #wellnesscenterpacifica #spiritualjourneysupport #cordcuttingandclearing #cleartransmutedelete
*Note our Kava Tea offerings were formerly our Plant Medicine Jam Series that is currently on hold and has been changed to just Plant Medicine SEries
We already serve See.Bee.Dee tea at our New & Full Moon Events, and we serve Cacao at the Equinox & Solstice Events (Plus Valentine's Day), so these events will just be reserved for Kava Tea Ceremony. But we hope to have more and more Plant Medicine workshops and events and incorporate many more elements from the earth in the future.
With that said, we are always looking for workshop/event facilitators and healers. Contact us if you'd like to join the team and want to host an event or workshop.
*Update* about our NEW Sound Healing memberships and policies:
These events are donation based so there are NO REFUNDS. You may gift your donation to someone else. Pay it forward.
Our Sound Healing membership allows you to choose 2 of our 4-5 sound healing events a month for a discounted price. You must repurchase every month on Eventbrite or sign up for an EFT on our website.
For special events that include a tea ceremony, there is an additional upcharge of $5 to your sound healing membership.
Therefore, when you purchase a ticket on eventbrite, you purchase one of the following:
1. a single event for $22 dollars
2. a membership for $33 (includes 2 events a month), saves $11+ a month
3. an additional upgrade of $5 if you are already a member and attending a tea or Cacao ceremony.
4. for Tuesday 3/21 event, if you want to attend and buy the sound healing membership both, it would be $38
5. a class pass 3 for $45, saves $21
6. prepaid class pass registration for free
7. class pass upgrade for kava/cacao would purchase #3, the additional membership upgrade
We have a strict arrival and start time policy due to the sensitive nature of these events and out of respect for everyone's time. We close the door at 7:15 and you will not be admitted after, nor will you be given a refund.
#raiseyourvibration #foodismedicineforyourbody #drinkmoreplants #eatmoreplants #eatmorevegaina #vegainameansfoodsoftheearth #theearthprovides #naturalholisticsolutions #timetodecompress #timetovibe #chillaxintothemax #centerforintegrativewellness #plantmedicinejams #kavateaisthebeesknees #kavapacifica #integrativewellnesscenter #pacificaca #norcalcoast #kavasceneca
From $5.00 to $45.00Sale ended- $22.00+$0.55 service fee
- $45.00+$1.13 service fee
- $33.00+$0.83 service fee