Alchemy Activation Retreat
Sat, Jun 29
Join us for a 1 Day Holy Fire 3 Reiki Placement retreat.

Time & Location
Jun 29, 2024, 10:00 AM – 4:30 PM PDT
Pacifica, 15 W Manor Dr, Pacifica, CA 94044, USA
About the event
Alchemy Activation Agenda
Saturday 6/29
AM: Holy Fire 3 Reiki Placement, 10 am - 2 pm (break 12-1 & 2-3)
PM: Forest Bathing 5 element integration walk 1-2 (break 2-3)
Somatics Acupressure & Reflexology workshop 3-4:30
(for detox, general vitality and grounding... to aid you on your post atunement 21 day detox)
*SomAR = Somatic practices Acupressure & Reflexology
Holy Fire III Reiki Information:
Holy Fire Reiki is a blend of traditional Usui Reiki and a modern evolution of Reiki. It was introduced by the International Center of Reiki Training in January of 2014 by William Rand.
Holy Fire Reiki is not a religion and is available to everyone regardless of his or her spiritual belief system.
The use of the word holy in Holy Fire Reiki is not meant to have a religious meaning but rather applies to the root meaning of the word whole. The meaning of Holy Fire Reiki implies wholeness and a sense of feeling whole complete and well in mind, body and spirit.
Holy Fire Reiki III is a spiritually guided energy that is noticeably refined and very effective in guiding one toward overall wellness. It promotes an awareness of personal empowerment, wellness and healing in a gentle and loving way. There is a sense of feeling nurtured and complete with Holy Fire Reiki sessions.
What are some common results people experiencing with their Holy Fire Reiki treatments?
- Heals deeply and quickly without distress.
- Develops healthy traits in the personality.
- Promotes a sense of being loved.
- Works with your free will choices to heal.
- Heals relationships and interactions with others.
- Provides guidance and clarity in life experiences.
- Continues to work with you even after your Reiki session is complete.
- Helps to release worries and replaces them with a sense of safety.
"Just for today -
I will not worry
I will not be angry
I will do my work honestly
I will give thanks for my many blessings
I will be kind to my neighbors
and all living things."
- Reiki Principles
This training and activation includes a blending of online and hands on experiences. It is a foundational course designed with a beginner in mind. All cultures, races, ages and gender identities are welcome and no experience is needed to learn Reiki level one. You will learn what Reiki energy is and how to work with it for personal healing and relaxation.
The class introduces the student with updated historical information about Reiki, the Reiki Principles, how Reiki works with the physical body, understanding and working with the chakras, discussions, demonstration, meditations, system of practice/process and an opportunity to practice using Reiki on yourself and classmates.
The morning atunment with elemental integration can be attended ala carte from 10-2
AM - Holy Fire 3 Level 1 & 2 Reiki Activation - $497 (Saves $100)
or $225 for L1, $375 for L2 - separately its $597 total
PM - Somatics Workshop (SomAR ) - $68 alacarte
or included in full day retreat with sound healing
Full 1 day Alchemy Retreat Price $522 for both L1&2, or just $250 for L1.